Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Before The Worst

I'll continue my list later...
Today i just feel like talking
about nothing
about life
about change

change is something people really struggle with
especially me
i struggle to change my views on people
i struggle to forgive
i struggle to understand

but i have made a difference in my own life
i have seen the positives

I am competing in the State champs on Sunday
not for anyone
not because i want to finally be recognised for what i can do
but because i want to
because i can
and because i deserve to prove to myself that i can do it
i can compete well
show everyone that bianca still has it

i just offered J at the Port Phillip branch of MTC some help 3 days a week
i love taekwondo
i love the kids
i love their smiles
and their hopeful looks
the way they want me to show them whats right and worng
and how i can genuinely have an effect

i recieved a late birthday present
a beautiful silver necklace
and it was the gift that meant something
not the price tag still attached ($65)
of the beauty of the necklace
or even the sentimental value
but it's that he remembered me
that i existed
for the first time in years

i've been asked to go to a presentation night at the library
for a short story competition i entered out of boredom
hoping for good news
but not worried if i don't get any
just glad i tried

feeling the most positive i have in months
years maybe
but this could just be a good moment
before i fall down again

life is so unpredictable
but at least i know that i want to be here tomorrow.

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