I'm not even sure what i am going to write here.
Everything just seems a little overwhelming lately.
heaps of assignments due
overwhelmed with uni
im rather unwell
trying to avoid antibiotics cos they arent that good for you
at all.
and then my relationship
dont worry
i wont change it for the world!
I love my boyfriend
more than i have ever loved anyone
and he brings me such happiness
but now it's settling
and we're starting to be a comfortable couple
and this scares me
should it scare me?
that we just chill and watch movies
or go out to parties
but that we don't run around crazy on magical budget dates
or we don't do things on a whim
or that we're just comfortable
the honey moon excitement period worn off
no more exciting randomness.
i miss it
and it scares me that it's gone
it's a good thing though
i've never gotten to this stage in a relationship
a happy, content and comfortable relationship
where we communicate
and speak about the future
and enjoy one another
but where has the magic gone?
I think i should speak to him
and bring it back
budget dates
running under sprinklers
eating cake in the dark
summers coming back
along with the warmth
and long holidays
where we can stay up all night eating
and run under sprinklers
and spend nights at the beach.
Can you have both?
if not; i'd choose comfortable.
any day
cos i don't want to lose what i have.
peace x
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