To make a difference in ones world
To change a life
To create a new world
Where someone is new, alive
How amazing would it be?
instead i watch as people falter
as they refuse to push through the pain
push through the difficult times and see the good times later
Hey, what am i saying
that was me not long ago
and still at times if i'm not careful
always consciously aware of my feelings
of my thoughts
not continuously watching out for that change in behaviour
fearing what it may do to me
avoiding what may end up another spiral.
i'm not sure if this behaviour is right
but i don't know how to stop it.
the worst feeling in the world is when you can feel it creeping up on you
the dark swirls slowly filling in the corners of your vision
where you stare at the world ahead with such hope and joy
all the bright colours, the sun, happiness
when slowly your mind fills with the negativity
and slowly you begin to see dark circles, which grow
take over
and then you're stuck
in a depressed state
the blackness having completely taken over your mind
and all you can see is the end.
not only is it all you can see
but it's all you want to see
you're just waiting for the end
""To drown out the voices in your head,
to bury the noise deep within your soul.
Where no one can find it, and you can no longer hear it.
The never ending scream.
I don't want to hear it,
Nothing anyone can say will bring me any further down.
Whether that's due to me already hitting rock bottom,
or because I am the stronger person I don't know.
All I know is that my head is splitting at the seams,
there is nothing holding me together other than
useless and hopeless dreams.""
How simple it all seems
How writing about life, and how one feels
can be broken into a paragraph
but noone ever really considers anything past that paragraph
what about what someone is really feeling but is too afraid to say
couldn't the paragraph be a general outline where the actual emotion is too great or to complicated to explain?
No idea
B x
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