interesting couplea days
i signed up for the state championships which are, this weekend (sunday in fact)
signed up cos i felt like it
happy about my choice
started learning new pattern, on sunday
problem: have to compete with that pattern... :P
positive: nearly have it down pat
went to training in Port Phillip yesterday.
got annoyed at how many mistakes i was making
and how she changed all of my own style
'bigger stances, long legs, make it bigger'
i say the same thing to others
but i felt mine were technically correct
shoulder width apart for back stance
strong forward stances
but no..
mainly annoying cos i'm not going to be able to change it before sunday
so i'm going to compete with what i have
contact greg
maybe get back into proper intense greg training
was considered to run the poomse group at malvern
real honour
felt bad, cos it would mean that i would be taking over D
but he told me not to feel bad
and that he'd help me
and that its all good
that means alot to me
i want to be able to do this
not for the money
or the acknowledgement
but cos i can
cos im able to...
hmm so next bit of news
Em factor has a formal tonight
so pumped for her
hair and makeup time later
spent last night with Unit
mad night
her spare bed is amazing
and if she's not careful i AM going to steal it! :P
dinner on tuesday with Ben
should be good
being given a routine for how to look after puppy, and kitten,
and then moving in the week after
2 weeks
1 house to myself
no family
no busyness
just me, a puppy and a kitten
at uni now
about to head to my HBS110 Health Behaviour tutorial.. :\ ceebs
then a HPS206 tutorial,
then the psych study
then i get to see the marvellous
So yeah
but giant improvement

:) Happy Memories
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