I don't want to say too much just yet
I don't want to jinx things
But 2011 has started off really well
Spent NY day with 'Flyer' (wow, my nicknames are really starting to suck... :P)
also got to see INDIA! omg! was amazing! I haven't seen her since, well, since we were both in.. india... haha
But NY day. from the beginning
Awoke on the couch. back hates me. totally. :P
but i was smiling (what?)
i wasn't alone
there were plenty of people there
my day involved coffee, walks in parks, rain, conversation and me learning to trust
cannot speak too soon
but i'm being careful
i respect you
i kinda even sorta trust you
and you are gentle
i don't even know what to think
you're similar to mash face
but i'm more ready this time
maybe you'll actually be alright for me
maybe this time things will actually work out
i wont fuck it all up
i wont be left, feeling like crap
you never know
there are good people out there
2010 ended shit
with a car stolen
a relationship ended
friendships rocky
self belief down the toilet
my care factor 0.
2011 has begun well
everything clean
lets hope i can press pause.
and live how yeaterday was
walking with you in parks, hand in hand
smiles on my face
thats all i want for now
nothing more, nothing less.